The Real Millennium Group's
Name: Gandalf
Age (people years): 1 ½
Disposition: Friendly, curious
Breed: Male Domestic Shorthair Cat
Time/Date Lost: Afternoon, 3/8/99
Location: Outside of home, near Route 31 in Ewing, NJ
Nearby Landmarks: Shopping Mall, bowling center
Coloration: Black & White
Distinguishing Features: Black patch next to nose, tip of tail crooked
Misc. Info: Identification Microchip implanted in back of neck
Reward if found: N/A
Contact Info: Jim at
Being the animal lovers that we are, and knowing the pain and distress that can be caused from a missing pet, we have created the Animal Lost & Found to help people in their search for their lost pets. If you have lost a pet, or have found a wandering animal, you can e-mail us with the details (see sample below), and we'll put the info up on the web, and see if anyone can help reunite the owners with their pets (or vice versa). Anyone can submit a spot, and there is no cost involved in having a spot posted on the site, or responding to a spot.
This is an example of how the Lost spots will look.

Submission Info:
Name & Age -- pretty much self-explanatory
Disposition -- how the animal generally acts. Is it friendly with strangers, timid, playful, etc. Basically we are looking for general behavior of the animal.
Breed -- sex, make, and model of the animal, if known.
Time/Date Lost -- self-explanatory
Location -- where the animal was last seen.
Landmarks -- places where the animal might have been found.
Coloration -- include a specific coloration name (if known) that may be used by a vet or shelter, such as Tortise Shell or Calico along with the specfic colors of the animal.
Distinguishing Features -- any unusual idenifying marks or features that the animal may have.
Misc. Info -- other information that may be of importance, such as if the animal was spayed or neutered, declawed, or had some sort of identification or clothing on it when lost.
Reward -- Let us know if you want us to mention a reward if you have one.
Contact Info -- Name and e-mail address someone can reach you at if they have found the animal. If you don't have an e-mail address, submit an address or number where you can be contacted, and we'll put our e-mail in the spot and contact you with any leads we receive.
Info for Picture Submission:
If you have a picture of your pet, and access to a scanner, scan the picture into your computer, then save it as a GIF or JPEG file. Crop the picture as much as possible in order to keep the file size down, then upload your picture to your free web space (if you have one), and include the URL of the photo in your submission, or join our community (link below),create a photo album, and upload your picture(s) there. Also include the name of the photo album in your submission. Try to send a picture that shows as much of the animal as possible. You can also mail us a photo so we can scan it. Include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope if you want your photo returned. Contact us for the mailing address.
Type of Animal: Cat
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Approximate Age (people years): 1 ½
Disposition: Friendly, curious
Time/Date Found: Afternoon, 3/8/99
Location Found: At Slocum's Bowl-O-Drome in Ewing, NJ
Contact Info: Jim at
Submission Info:
The same as above where the information is known or applicable. Please include a detailed description of the animal that you have found, even though it will not be listed in the spot. This will help prevent the animal from being given to the wrong person. Again, if you do not wish to have your contact address listed, let us know, and we will take care of it. Do not upload pictures of the animal to prevent false claims. Let any respondent describe the animal before any details are given out.
When you receive a response:
If you submitted a "Lost" spot and are contacted by someone that may have found your pet, have that person describe the animal in as much detail as possible, to help make sure it is your animal. Like any other meeting between internet contacts, arrange a neutral place where the person can return your animal to you, or check with your vet to see if they can leave the animal there for you to pick up.
If you submitted a "Found" spot and are contacted by someone that may be the owner, have that person describe the animal in as much detail as possible. Do not disclose any information about the animal that was not disclosed in the spot, to help make sure that the animal really is this person's pet. Again, arrange a safe meeting place where the animal can be returned.
We hope that this site can be of service to you, and your pet. We are responsible only for the placement of the spots as described above. Condition of the animal, and any rewards are solely the responsibility of the people making the submissions. Please use this site only if you have lost an animal or have found an animal. Do not use this site to buy, sell, or give away animals -- please contact the nearest shelter or adoption agency for this purpose. If you work for, or know of an Animal Shelter or Rescue Organization that has a web site (or even if it doesn't), please submit the address and contact info so we my compile a list of these organizations for people to look for their pets, or look into adopting a new pet.
This is an example of how the Found spots will look.