December 31st, 2000 - January 1st, 2001
Ticket Order Form
Print this form out, complete, and mail in with payment to order tickets.
You can reserve tickets by filling it out and pressing the SEND button below.
Payments must be by check, MO, or credit card through snail mail only.
E-Mail Address:
Phone #:
Number of Tickets Needed:
Laser Bowling & Buffet:

($15 Each)
Indicate the Total # needed including the Family Special Tickets
Max of 5 tickets per special
Open Bar & Buffet:

($60 Each)
You Must Be 21 Years Of Age Or Older To Purchase & Use Open Bar Tickets
Number Of People Purchasing Open Bar Tickets Who Will Also Laser Bowl:
Please Make Checks Payable To: Slocum's Bowl-O-Drome
Mail Form With Payment To:
Slocum's Bowl-O-Drome
Credit Card Form -- Visa, Mastercard, or Discover Only
Card Number: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Experation Date: / (Month/Year)
If you have any questions, or need more info, call Chip or Jim at (609) 882-0661