We created the "Tricentennial" Celebration to prove a point -- that recognizing true dates of historical significance are important. Countless times we were told "What does it matter?", "What's the big deal?", "It's not that important, it's only a date", and so on. Well, as we can see, it is important. Otherwise the calendar, and special events such as our Tricentennial become meaningless if we can celebrate them whenever we desire to, as many times as we want.
Christmas is a special time of year for many people. How special would it be if we celebrated the holiday on the 25th of EVERY month? How long before the actual date loses its special significance? Our birthdays are special too, but why don't we celebrate our birthdays once a week, on the particular weekday we were born, such as every Monday? After all each Monday is your "birth day" if you were born on that day.
What good is education, the pursuit of truth and knowledge, and a legal system if we decide that we are going to change the rules at every turn? What good does creating or building anything do if the next generation declares that "this is their world now, and nothing from the old one is needed or has any significance"?
It's time that we started changing the attitude of society before we tread down this path any further, and it becomes too late to turn back. History has proved that simple things like getting a date right can have serious consequences if the thinking and the attitude behind that simple thing are not addressed and changed for the better. That is what the Real Millennium Group fights for. And that is what we will strive to do until the end of this century and millennium, and far into the next ones.

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