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on February 23, 2006
Vital Stats
Age: 38
Height: 5' 9"
Weight 129 lbs.
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Necromancer
Secondary Profession: Elementalist
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Dark Wand
Vital Stats
Age: 20
Height: 5' 10"
Weight 137 lbs.
Pet: Graey Dawne
Lvl 20 Hearty Stalker
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Elementalist
Secondary Profession: Ranger
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Fire Wand
As a young child, Adalina enjoyed the quiet life on the farm of her parents in Ashford. That changed however when she was taken by Oberan the Reviled at the age of eight deep into the catacombs to become one of his followers. Adalina learned the dark arts of the Necromancer, but never forgot her home and her family. She escaped from Oberan and returned to the world of light just as they Charr were beginning their invasion. Adalina watched in horror as all she once remembered and loved as a child was destroyed in the war. She has now pledged herself to the Real Millennium Group guild in an effort to return Ascalon to its former glory and perhaps regain some of her own humanity lost to Oberan.
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Post-Searing Quests & Missions available to guild members only
Rebuilding the Real Millennium Group Guild is a difficult undertaking, and it couldn't be done without the help and support of those members who have risen above and beyond the call of duty in our struggle against Evil. Here, we highlight those guild members who have been promoted to the rank of Officer, and offer them the respect and honor they have so well deserved.

Violet was the traditional color worn by those who served and learned from the Serpents, and who formed the original Knowledge Bearers Guild. Thus this becomes the backdrop of the new standard. Rising above the red flames of the Searing and blood of War is the Green Serpent of Truth, reborn to continue the quest for Knowledge and Peace.
The RMG is currently recruiting new members. Click here to take a look at our requirements and benefits of being a member of the guild, then use our contact form to send us the name of the character who will receive an invitation. Please feel free to include any questions you may have in your e-mail. Be sure to check out the Guild Members area of the site, which includes game world maps!!
Vital Stats
Age: 26
Height: 6' 1"
Weight 146 lbs.
Pet: Mistic Syhn
Lvl 20 Hearty Lynx
Vital Stats
Age: 29
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 182 lbs.
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Mesmer
Secondary Profession: Ranger
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Chaos Wand
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Warrior
Secondary Profession: Mesmer
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Axe
Along with Hanok, Osiria was one of the few to survive the Cataclysm that destroyed the Orr. Already an accomplished practitioner of Fire and Air spells, Osiria came to Ascalon to learn the ways of the Hydromancer and Geomancer. Having spent some time with Landemora during his travels, she also decided to learn the ways of the Ranger, and now travels with her friend and companion, Graey Dawne.
Keep the medieval alive - A ton of castle Lego collectibles at:
Born into a repected nobleman's family and raised in the capital city of Rin, Shanna's natural talent for the theater was noticed by Althea herself, and she was taken in by the royal acting troupe at an early age. There she studied under the finest actors and actresses and became accomplished in her own right, while also learing the ways of the Mesmer from Althea. It was on a rare journey to the city that Landemora saw one of Shanna's performances, and became enraptured by her charms (some say a bit of help from Shanna's mesmer skills may have helped as well). Regardless, the two quickly fell in love, and regularly travel throughout Tyria together along with their animal companions.
Aeryn was toughened by her life in the Northlands. Regular Charr raids into the area showed her that the way of the Warrior was the best chance for survival. Upon the initial invasion, Aeryn was able to bring many people to safety behind the Great Wall of Ascalon. Unfortunately, even the wall was unable to save all from the Searing. She was found near death by Korbin, and slowly nursed back to health with the help of Hanok. Aeryn now helps lead the charge to find a better life in Kryta, while preparing for a new offensive against the Charr.
These are the Guild Officers who hail from the continent of Tyria.
Click the other continents to see the officers who hail from those lands:
Vital Stats
Age: 22
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Pet: None
RPG Character
Game World: Pre-Searing Tyria
Primary Profession: Ranger
Secondary Profession: None
Current Level: 5
Primary Weapon: Longbow
Born and raised in the Krytan village of Beetletun with her brother, Brienne displayed a natural affinity for the talents of a Ranger, and loved spending most of her early years wandering the hills and countryside of Watchtower Coast and Nebo Terrace. Spared from most of the horrors and hate caused by the Guild Wars, Brienne was given the opportunity to travel to Ascalon as a teenager and received formal training in the Ranger profession from Landemora. She was planning a return to home when the Charr invasion began, and never one to turn a blind eye to those in need, Brienne took up arms alongside the Vanguard and her Real Millennium Group guildmates to turn back the invaders. Unfortunately, Brienne became one of the many casulties of the Searing, and she is fondly remembered by her surviving Guild Members and friends.

Don't forget to check our list of Prophecies Pre-Searing Quests to aid in your adventures. Quest Logs and Missions Guides for the remainder of the Prophecies Campaign as well as the Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North Campaigns are available on our