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on August 22, 2006
Vital Stats
Age: 32
Height: 5' 11"
Weight 190 lbs.
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Assassin
Secondary Profession: Necromancer
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Daggers
Vital Stats
Age: 18
Height: 5' 10"
Weight 143 lbs.
Pet: None
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Ranger
Secondary Profession: Ritualist
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Longbow
Originally born into the Am Fah guild, Jia He took to the ancient Canthan profession of Assassin quite well. However, after killing the brother of a prominent Jade Brotherhood leader, Jia He was forced to flee Kaineng City. He lived for several years in Jatin Village on Shing Jea Island. When the plague arrived to the island, Jia He was convinced (or bespelled) to come to the monestary and join with the Real Millennium Group guild by Neydaline. Though initially opposed to his membership, Korina quickly realized the need for Jia He's talents, and they are frequent travelling companions as they attempt to find a cure for the plague and fight to defeat Shiro Tagachi.
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Post-Searing Quests & Missions available to guild members only
Rebuilding the Real Millennium Group Guild is a difficult undertaking, and it couldn't be done without the help and support of those members who have risen above and beyond the call of duty in our struggle against Evil. Here, we highlight those guild members who have been promoted to the rank of Officer, and offer them the respect and honor they have so well deserved.

Violet was the traditional color worn by those who served and learned from the Serpents, and who formed the original Knowledge Bearers Guild. Thus this becomes the backdrop of the new standard. Rising above the red flames of the Searing and blood of War is the Green Serpent of Truth, reborn to continue the quest for Knowledge and Peace.
The RMG is currently recruiting new members. Click here to take a look at our requirements and benefits of being a member of the guild, then use our contact form to send us the name of the character who will receive an invitation. Please feel free to include any questions you may have in your e-mail. Be sure to check out the Guild Members area of the site, which includes game world maps!!
Vital Stats
Age: 43
Height: 5' 5"
Weight 122 lbs.
Vital Stats
Age: 43
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 280 lbs.
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Monk
Secondary Profession: Mesmer
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Holy Wand
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Ritualist
Secondary Profession: Monk
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Dark Staff
As an infant, Alyssa was taken to Kryta by her parents as they tried to escape the Luxon/Kurzick conflict. However, Alyssa's parents couldn't escape death as they were killed in a raid by an Ascalonian Guild during the Guild Wars. Fortunately, the raiders took pity on the infant and brought her back to Ascalon where she was raised by a family in the Fishing Village located in Wizard's Folly. Her adoptive parents never hid her heritage from her, and after the Searing, Alyssa was one of the first to travel back to Kryta to escape the Charr. Upon arriving in Lion's Arch, she learned of the plague besetting her native land, and returned to Cantha to regain her lost Kurzick heritage.
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Zan and her twin brother Xiang were raised in Linkei Township on the east side of Shing Jea Island. They studied at the monestary for several years, and following graduation, Zan set up residence in Kinya Province in the village of Tomaat Pass. She returned to the monestary often to help teach new students the art of Protection Prayers, and there met Neydaline, who interested her in learning the skills of a Mesmer. Upon hearing of the plague arriving to the island, Zan quickly returned to Haiju Lagoon to find her old home in the grips of the affliction. She has since travelled to the mainland to find a way to stop the devastation before it becomes too late.
Along with his twin sister, Zan, Xiang studied to be a monk at Shing Jea monestary, but his interest in the arcane arts of the Ritualist grew thanks to his medatations with Master Togo. He retained his skills as a monk , but has since made Ritualist his primary calling. After gradutating, Xiang stayed on Minister Cho's estate for a time, tending to the animals before settling down in Kaitan Village, as the local healer. His ability to call upon the spirits of ancestors became useful in turning away the arms of the Crimson Skull, and now he looks to do the same in turning back the plague that has ravaged his home and the rest of Cantha.
These are the Guild Officers who hail from the continent of Cantha.
Click the other continents to see the officers who hail from those lands: